суббота, 26 мая 2018 г.

ELIXIR: The Total Gaming Economy!

This is a platform primarily concerned with providing faster and more convenient micro-transaction game-currency, full gaming infrastructure and economy to be used by publishers, studios and independent developers. With this platform being fully operational, no more spending billion dollars to produce and distribute a game.
Elixir will primarily be a game project crowd-funding platform which will allow game ideas to become a reality fairly and efficiently. Elixir will not only provide a faster and more convenient micro-transaction game-currency but will also provide for a full gaming infrastructure and economy to be used by publishers, studios and independent developers alike. Ultimately, with a fully committed Lix community, no longer will a billion dollar budget be required to produce and distribute a game — simply ideas.

The Steps to Fund Your Game
-Issue a crowdfund token in Elixir platform.
-Submit design documents.
-Sell your tokens.
-Develop your dream game project
 Elixir will fuel the game economy by providing a platform to create and manage game assets which will be registered on a decentralized blockchain. Once registered on the blockchain, users of participating games can trade assets both in-game and through wallet exchange. The global gaming market will reach USD 108.9 billion globally in 2017, with an increasing share being made up of independent and hobbyist developers. Examples of in-game assets that would be traded in the real economy would be gold coins, land & property, weapons, collectibles, and other such items.
 How to Change Your Gaming Experience?
Players will be able to trade game assets in a decentralized market and through exchange wallets as the game items themselves will be linked to assets in the blockchain.
Players will be able to trade in-game weapons, coins, items, collectibles, custom skins, and other modifications and items in a decentralized market and through exchange wallets. The game items themselves will be assets in the blockchain.
Every function as standard assets in a blockchain, with a specific value representation in-game as game assets or currency which will be easily traded in the exchange wallet without the need for third-party exchange services. Lix aspires to allow players to trade game items beyond the game environment and into reality.
15% of issued tokens set aside for team.
LIX Coin: 100,000,000 
Algorithm: LPOS
Token Distribution
Total Token: 100 Million 
Reserved for Seed Funding: 1.2 Million 
Reserved for ICO: 68.8 Million 
Project Reserves: 10 Million 
Bounty & Referral Programs: 5 Million 
Founding Reserves: 15 Million

Cost Structure
The LIX project will continue to publish or develop its own game to encourage the use of cases and promote circulation. 
Average cost structure for developing typical MMORPG games: 
Character Design: USD 1200 / character (design / uv / rig / texture) 
Game Engine: USD 120 to USD 600 / 
3D object system : USD 70 to USD 120 / object (modeling / uv / texture / opt) 
Character design 2D: USD 65 (design / image / color) 
UI: USD 1200 and USD 2400 
animation: USD 70 to USD 120 / animation 
sound FX: USD 15 / noise 
Music: USD 2700 — USD 4800 / track 
Programming, Level Design, Events, Gameplay: USD 120 / day
Road Map

Co-Founder — CEO — Yogesh Panjabi
Yogesh is a global serial IT entrepreneur, having run companies all over the world with a bachelor’s in hardware engineering and a master’s in systems management. He has been a cryptocurrency analyst and investor since 2014, and is in charge of the main operations for the LiX coin project.

Co-Founder Chief of Marketing — Gaitchs Gangmei
Founder of the LiX Coin project, Gaitchs holds a master’s degree in sociology, is a sound engineer by profession and a hobbyist game programmer in C#. He holds vast experience working with the Unity game engine and has also been working full time in block chain technology since 2015.

Co-Founder CTO — Alessandro Sanino
Alessandro hails from Italy and is a master in Golang Cloud Services and cloud security. Alessandro is in charge of all aspects of Technology & Security for the LiX Coin project. He is also a proud open source believer, with a lot of github contributions.

Co-Founder — Chief of Community — Adarsh Singh
Adarsh is the entrepeneur and visionary behind the ADAM Project. As a graduate in mechanical engineering from the Rajasthan Technical University. He is currently a full time crypto currency trader and began trading in 2014. Thus far his trading results have been phenomenal. He is also the founder of the most successful trading slack on the internet which currently has close to a thousand members.

Senior Consultant — Saint Kamei 
A storied alumni of Hewlett-Packard’s Consumer Strategic Center, he has a decade’s worth of experience in Business Development. He is currently working as strategy and deployment consultant.

Head of Marketing — Miguel Azevedo
Miguel started in the digital marketing space in 2011. He also started at Microsoft and then migrated to the fast paced business of mobile performance marketing. In this business he started as an internship and moved up to Product and Design team management launching innovative products and concepts.

Lead Graphic Designer — João Vicente
Working with mobile performance marketing and multiple app projects since 2012. Obsessed with spacing, fonts, and alignments. No design goes live if it’s not pixel perfect. Works fast, finds the problems, offers solutions.

Project Manager — Jason Chadwick 
Studied psychology at University of Stuttgart. Have a 20 year background in insurance industry as a software coach, teaching conflict management classes, later on went to a lower management position that also involves project management for a variety of projects in an operational environment, and content publishing.

So what are waiting for? Come and join our community!
Visit and click on the link for more information!

Website: https://lixcoin.org
White Paper: https://lixcoin.org/whitepaper.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2542379.msg25928248#msg25928248
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lixtoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Elixir_Platform
Telegram: https://t.me/lixcoin


Casper Project

Die ersten Plattformen, auf denen diese Möglichkeit ernst genommen wurde (und wird weiterhin) Astraleums. Zu der Zeit des Schreibens, dieser ist der zweitgrößte kryptogeld in der Welt und einer der am meisten aktiv genutzt werden, im wirklichen Aufgaben.
Mithilfe der blockchain als runtime für die app, die Sie machen es dezentrale, bekommen alle die Vorteile, die Sie begleiten — Schutz vor Zensur, Fehlertoleranz, Transparenz, etc. Erstellen Sie Ihren Dienst als DApp, wir können auch erheblich reduzieren die Kapitalkosten und ein noch nie dagewesenes hohes Maß an integration mit anderen Anwendungen!

Und die erste Plattform — Casper Projekt,die dezentrale cloud-Speicher für DAPPs mit einem universal-API.

Welche Vorteile Sie haben:

Widerstand gegen Zensur.
Ohne einen einzigen center und host, eine dezentrale Anwendung kann nicht zerstört oder verändert werden durch die Kraft. Mit dem richtigen Ansatz, auch das deaktivieren des Internet wird nicht schneiden Sie Ihre Netzwerk und Ihre Anwendung wird in der Lage sein, die Benutzer, die in der Nähe sind.

In einem dezentralen Netzwerk, Stücke von Daten, die zum ausführen der Anwendung benötigt gepumpt werden kann, aus mehreren nahe gelegenen Maschinen, die teilnehmenden in die Arbeit der DApp!

Vertraulichkeit von Informationen.
In einem dezentralen Netzwerk, Daten können gespeichert werden, als eine Reihe von verschlüsselten synchronisierte Kopien der blockchain — während die Informationen selbst, sondern die Möglichkeit zu bekommen, und verwenden Sie es nur, Sie — der Besitzer des Schlüssels ist.

Ressourcen sparen.
Alle die power des network kombiniert wird, so dass alle Knoten arbeiten auf einer blockchain. Und alle die Leistung des Computers verwendet werden kann, zum Wohle der DApp basiert auf diesem Netzwerk. Zur gleichen Zeit, Sie als Teil der Netzwerk-Infrastruktur, können nützliche Berechnungen für die es auch auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon mithilfe deiner im Leerlauf macht und dafür bezahlt zu werden durch die kryptogeld-Netzwerk!

Pre-Verkauf der Token hat bereits stattgefunden, und hinter der Idee dieses Projektes ist die Legion-Digital-team mit guter Erfahrung in diesem Bereich.
Aber es ist immer noch der größte Verkauf von Token, wo Sie können nehmen Sie eine aktive Rolle. Ich empfehle Ihnen, zu verbinden, sehen Sie ein Bild der Verteilung von Token:
Weitere Informationen auf diesen Link:


DEEP AERO Industry-Based AI Drone And First Blockchain In The World

What are Drone?
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) also known drone, are aircrafts without a human pilot on broad. (UAVs) are a component of an unmanned aircrafts system (UAS), which include a UAV, a ground-based controller, and a system of communication between the two. The flight of UAVs may operated with various degrees of autonomy, either under remote control by a human operator or autonomously by onboard computers.
The development of the world of aviation technology is currently growing very rapidly by one of them since the emergence of unmanned aerial vehicles or unmanned aircraft, aircraft of this plane became more popular in the community, because so many applications. In this review I will cover a large project that incorporates the hum industry with artificial intelligence technology and chain blocks, namely IN AERO.
At DEEP AERO, we are building an autonomous drone economy powered by AI & Blockchain. We will completely change the urban transportation system by bringing on demand aviation and cargo delivery at your fingertips.
The Product
  • DEEP AERO UTMDecentralized, intelligent, self-aware, autonomous drone traffic management platform
  • DEEP AERO Passenger & Cargo Drones~ Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) aircrafts transporting people and goods running on DEEP AERO UTM
  • DEEP AERO Drone Market Place~ Decentralized market place for Drone related products and services
The Features
  • Compliant~ Flight plans meet all regulatory requirements with AI driven, rules-based airspace intelligence for enterprise friendly drone operations
  • Efficient~ Active or planned flights can adapt to change in airspace conditions, including wind, visibility and temperature, for optimal performance.
  • Safe~ Maximum situational awareness with real-time notifications of nearby traffic, based on the flight plan and live telemetry.
Use Cases
  • Aerial Survey
  • Package Delivery
  • Aerial Transportation
  • Photography and film making
  • Pinpoint pesticide delivery
  • Forest fire fighting assistance
  • Traffic monitoring
  • Underground sewer,power, utility, maintenance and safety inspection
  • Hign-rise commercial building maintenance and saftey inspecton
  • Security and surveillance
  • Pipeline survey, security. management and maintenance
  • Crowd control/management
  • Livestock/range management
  • Power line maintenance and safety inspection
  • Wind turbine maintenance and safety inspection
  • Wildlife conservation
Why Use Drones For Shipping
Amazon Prime Air and Google’s Project Wing are looking forward to make drone delivery a reality. Despite all the rules, regulations and restrictions drone start-ups are multiplying in numbers. Well, U.K. is a step ahead of the U.S. in drone regulation. On the other hand, Amazon is also looking forward to roll out drone delivery in Great Britain.
Furthermore, airlines and oil rigs use drones in inspecting the hard equipments. FAA has issued certain rules to govern the use of drones. The drone innovation is already pushing the envelope well beyond the operations envisioned in the FAA rules.
Sooner or later, drones could become the secret weapon that gives local businesses a chance to compete against the speedy delivery of online giants like Amazon and Walmart.

ICO Summary

Pre Sale from
March 30, 2018,  11:01 AM GMT till April 15, 2018, 11:00 AM GMT
Target: 10,000 ETH
Phase 1
May 1, 2018,  11:01 AM GMT till May 15, 2018, 11:00 AM GMT
Target: 20,000 ETH
Phase 2
May 15, 2018,  11:01 AM GMT till June 1, 2018, 11:00 AM GMT
Target: 30,000 ETH
Phase 3
June 01, 2018,  11:01 AM GMT till Sale Expire
Target: 75,000 ETH

DRONE Token Distribution

Hasil gambar untuk DRONE Token Distribution

Token Distribution

The Roadmap

The Team

For more information please visit :

A Digital Identification Wallet (DIW)

Jika kita mencoba untuk menggambarkan hal ini, ekspresi terdekat yang terlintas dalam pikiran adalah bahwa DIW adalah “Virtual Life”, sebuah proyek yang pada akhirnya akan mencakup semua aspek aktivitas manusia.
Dari sisi teknologi, DIW adalah layanan identitas pribadi dan terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan pemegang rekening terdaftar menyimpan dan mengakses data rahasia dengan aman sampai kekuatan jaringan blok terbukti.
Individu dan organisasi yang ingin menyimpan, menjaga pertukaran data penting yang aman – beberapa di antaranya akan sangat menguntungkan dengan bergabung di jaringan Diw.
DIW juga akan mengembangkan dan memasok dompetnya sendiri untuk peralatan yang akan memberikan keamanan maksimal untuk menuntut peserta premium. Ini, bersamaan dengan keamanan yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia teknologi perlindungan dan ketenangan teknologi pikiran; apa yang kita sebut “desentralisasi keamanan”!
DIW juga bermaksud untuk memasukkan token DIW <pemegang rekening dapat digunakan untuk melakukan identitas pemegangnya, termasuk bisnis atau orang, kepada orang yang bertanggung jawab atas DIW. Ini juga akan bertindak sebagai layanan “penagihan biaya”, DIW, sehingga pemegang dapat meminjam persyaratan pemesanan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, dengan atau tanpa perantara pemantauan transaksi pihak ketiga.
Memastikan keuntungan desentralisasi masyarakat SIW:
,  Keamanan tertinggi untuk pemegang rekening melalui penggunaan peralatan purse
,  Transaksi yang efisien, cepat dan ekonomis
,  Kebebasan bertransaksi melalui mata uang, figur atau fiat
,  Akses tunggal ke pintu tak berujung
,  akses terhadap dukungan dari komunitas global yang besar
,  Menyediakan protokol jaringan peer-to-peer untuk diseminasi data, termasuk catatan e-business pribadi
Semua hal di atas akan mudah diakses melalui DIW di atas platform, cukup dengan membuat dan menyimpan akun.
Lingkup aplikasi
Penyimpanan Digital yang Aman
DIW memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan informasi sensitif dengan aman, seperti identifikasi dokumentasi, kata sandi, rekening bank dan informasi kartu kredit, KYC atau KYS, dokumentasi terdokumentasi, surat wasiat dan data digital berharga lainnya mengenai platform desentralisasi yang terdesentralisasi, aman dan terdesentralisasi. Platform ini juga memungkinkan pemegang akun yang dilindungi untuk berbagi data parsial atau lengkap di antara keduanya.
Payment gateway untuk kriptografi dan mata uang
Berikan surat dan fasilitas yang aman bagi pemilik situs web untuk menerima pembayaran dalam mata uang, fiat atau kriptografi menggunakan satu platform input DIW terdesentralisasi. Membayar gateway DIW akan menjadi sistem verifikasi yang mudah terintegrasi untuk banyak situs e-commerce, termasuk menampilkan CMS open source, seperti WordPress dan Joomla.
Direktori DIW Global
DIW berencana untuk menerapkan katalog global di mana pemegang rekening, baik itu individu atau organisasi, akan dapat mencantumkan layanan mereka dan memperluas jangkauan mereka. Katalog tersebut akan menunjukkan peringkat sistem cerdas untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan dan transparansi antar pemegang rekening.
Visi | Catatan medis elektronik
Ini akan menjadi kelalaian bagi keseluruhan proyek untuk mengabaikan kebutuhan keamanan kritis dari sudut pandang rekam medis elektronik. Visi kami adalah agar DIW menyertakan sektor ini, yang memungkinkan penyimpanan pertukaran EHR pribadi yang terenkripsi dan aman antara pemegang rekening dan laboratorium terverifikasi, apoteker, dokter atau profesional perawatan kesehatan lainnya dengan opsi tambahan menggunakan teknologi kontrak cerdas yang telah dipresentasikan di jaringan DIW.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut:


Review ICO Uchit

So What is Uchit?
Uchit is The Hub of Communication and Collaboration based on Blockchain Technology. Uchit introduces a hub of communication and collaborative tools for Individuals, Professionals and Business Entities which isn't available with existing tools.
The development of Uchit is the ultimate end-to-end solution for :
  • Personal use such as communication with friends and families.
  • Professional use such as collaboration for programmers, musicians, artists, etc.
  • Professional use such as communication between Investors, Projects, Freelancers, etc.
  • Enterprise use for corporates.
  • Websites that want to have community features on their own website. (We will provide APIs)
At the end, Our aims to integrate all professionals, companies, employees, and business collaboration assets into a unified blockchain ecosystem, which will make projects and business truly efficient, transparent, and reliable.
Uchit Application and Features
Uchit is a Communication and Collaboration Hub based on Blockchain Technology. Uchit introduces a hub of communication and collaborative tools for both Individuals, Professionals and Business Entities which isn't available with existing tools.
● The development of Uchit is the ultimate end-to-end solution
● Personal use such as communication with friends and families.
● Professional use such as collaboration for programmers, musicians, artists, etc.
● Professional use such as communication between Investors, Projects, Freelancers, etc.
● Enterprise use for corporates.
Who is behind Uchit?
CRASS Infotech, one of the leading Video Game Publishers of South Asia.
Uchit Tokens
Uchit (UCHT) tokens are the core of Uchit’s incentivization protocol. Users can “spend” UCHT in exchange for hiring people to get into teams, requesting communication with people, requesting files from people, buying templates from Teams (freelancing) - like a marketplace for new projects, etc.
To accumulate UCHT, users can sell templates and assets, respond to communication/team joining requests, etc with the network (seeding) and be rewarded with UCHT each time they communicate or Collaborate. UCHT can also be acquired on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges on the web, and will be directly exchangeable for Ethereum.
Token Sale
Uchit token will be released on the basis of Ethereum platform. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.
  • Maximum amount of tokens supply
    712 350 000
  • Exchange
    1 ETH = 4500 UCHT
  • Pre Ico
    Date - 1st May 2018 to 30th May 2018
  • Bonus - 20% (For Pre Sale only)
    Minimum Investment - 0.001 ETH
  • CrowdSale
    Date - 1st June 2018 to 30th June 2018
  • Bonus - 5% (for CrowdSale only)
    Minimum Investment - 0.001 ETH
  • Soft Cap
    $ 5 000 000
  • Hard Cap
    $ 50 000 000
Distribution of tokens