Each individual is the de facto owner of their data. Therefore, in order to have access to a service or device, they need to explicitly agree to share it. The party entrusted with this kind of data is supposed to take all the necessary actions in order to protect it. In the past year there have been numerous issues when large corporations collecting data about individuals, failed to handle them correctly. Often, this data ended up in the hands of hackers. For example, in 2017, Equifax, a large consumer credit reporting agency in the US was hacked, and over 143 million social security numbers were compromised.
Persona represents the solution for identity management, aligned with the latest data protection regulations. Its scope is to empower the individual and grant them the control over their personal data as well as the means to secure access to their private details.

About Persona
Persona uses ARCH blockchain technology and alternative progressive technologies to supply secure and complete identity solutions. This product is in line with GDPR necessities and provides a secure means that of storing, sharing, and process knowledge.
Persona is meant as a localised app while not one purpose of failure, storing all encrypted records people have management over the graininess of the small print they need to share, with whom they share it and for the way long. With the launch of Bitcoin at the tip of 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto offered a glimpse of the technology underlying his network’s decentralization, blockchain.
Persona represents the answer for identity management, aligned with the most recent knowledge protection laws. Its scope is to empower the client and grant him/her the management over their personal knowledge further because the means that to secure access to their personal details.
By exploitation Persona, the individual spends less time change their knowledge and repair suppliers will access the most recent version of the client knowledge.
The main goals of Persona are:
- To utilize the identity of management services for individuals based on what blockchain technology can offer.
- To protect individual personal details. Although it is clear that individuals need to provide details to their various entities
- have no control over it afterwards share. Persona puts people back into the driver’s seat.
- Empower each person and to give them power on what it shares and with whom when it comes about their personal identity and details.
- Allowing entrusted third parties who with personal details enrich their services by offering trust as service.
- To prevent false news, by providing a decentralized identity management system, Persona will provide the level of trust we all need when we rely on news Based on the public Persona profile of any creator, we can track the news to the source.
- To streamline the onboarding process since someone may have been checked by some of the listed entities in the systemArchitectural Technology (blockchain design)Persona will use Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) technology to manage user permissions, approval transactions and identity proofs. We will deploy our own blockchain, called “The Persona Blockchain” which has the following characteristics:
- DPOS blockchain with 51 branching delegates from capchain ark (
- Blockchain will be public and will feature interoperability with other blockchains through Smart Bridges. Smart Bridge allows blockchains to communicate between interconnected information and the other way distributed.
- Persona will integrate natively, at the blockchain level, a solution such as IPFS sharing documents and files between users.
The case of Persona GDPR usageGDPR represents the European Regulation, whose intent is to strengthen, to unify and act as an equalizer on data protection for all individuals in European level. It was elected and adopted in April 2016 with a 2 year transition period, effective from 25 May 2018.Possible consequences of non-compliance with GDPR for companies are:1. Position and notoriety Risk — Implementation of GDPR rules with the obligations set out to inform the authorities when any data Violations occur, will result in increased law enforcement activities. The first affected is the company’s market position and reputation, which will be compromised.2. Geographical Risk — The new regulations cover all companies andorganizations that offer goods and / or services to the EU market or thatmonitor the behavior of EU citizens to offer goods and / or services. Here also included all data analysis companies3. Sanctions — Significant penalties of up to 4% of annual global turnover or € 20 Million, whichever is greater will apply to companies that fail to comply with GDPR’s new rules.Calendar / Token sales schedule- Private Sale: 15.12.2017–15.01.2018
- General Sales I: 23.01.2018–30.01.2018
- General Sales II: 01.02.2018–08.02.2017
- General Sales III: 09.02.2017–16.02.2018
- Token Distribution: 30.03.2018
Token Design
The PRS token is an utility token that is used by the platform in order to issue verifications. For each verification PRS tokens are used. The tokens circulate in the environment and they will be forged through a DPoS system with 51 delegates, similar to Ark.When verifications take place and the initiator is a private partner, they will pay PRS tokens for the verification. The verification price will differ based on the complexity of the verification.Business Plan
TGE Timeline and Token Allocation
The Token Sale for Persona will take place following the phases illustrated below:The seeded number of tokens will be 100,000,000. The price for one PRS token during the TGE is $0.2. The total allocation is:- 70,000,000 PRS allocated for the TGE
- 15,000,000 PRS allocated for the team composed of the co-founders. The tokens allocated to the team will be vested over a three-year period, split into yearly payments as following:
- 10% at Genesis;- 30% after 12 months;- 30% after 24 months;- 30% after 36 months;- 12,000,000 PRS allocated for the Persona Startup Fund;
- 1,000,000 PRS allocated for the advisors. The tokens allocated for the advisors will be vested over a period of 6 months;
- 1,500,000 PRS allocated to the bounty.
- 500,000 PRS allocated for the escrow services (performed by Ark)
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