AFRICUNIA dispatches an imaginative managing an account demonstrate that empowers cryptographic money usage without endangers, particular impediments, and obstructions identified with holding, moving, and trading tokens and advanced monetary standards.
AFRICUNIA BANK where Innovative Banking Technology was made to construct Digital Currency and money related speculation.
We are gifted, enthusiastic and persevering people from everywhere throughout the landmass, joining endeavors to oversee coding, making and building connections in the budgetary field. Our initiative has a strong establishment in money related innovation, digital money, investment, enterprise, item advancement, resource administration and legitimate control.
In the wake of setting up a system framework with Blockchain Technology, we plan to make innovation and an influx of social unrest that will open human services, protection and present day government offices.
As the third era of Digital Bank we will utilize web to know the influx of computerized money. When we have connected our imbecilic confirmation strategy, our gauges will adjust its innovation to the objective of dependable development. Much the same as some other regular bank, we won’t build up a branch or a physical front office. We will be open to individuals in all kinds of different backgrounds for the duration of the day and night.
Our essential objective is to wind up the business standard and a one-stop search for setting up tokenized stores, paying little mind to whether these assets put resources into the fiat or crypto universe. We expect to cross over any barrier between these two universes while taking the upsides of the two universes.
Our essential incentives are:
• Offering best of both Fiat and Cryptocurrency world:
The greater part of tokenized speculation stages are either completely crypto-situated or are pegged to some tradable resources, for example, gold or fiat money. This siloed approach upsets enhancement. AFRICUNIA expects to make a stage that enables clients to pick up from both including decentralization, straightforwardness, and exchangeability.
• Promoting economical venture of assets:
All the tokenized assets will be investigated and affirmed by our lawful guides to ensure they are completely agreeable with the current laws and controls. By dealing with these dangers from the earliest starting point, AFRICUNIA will enhance the financial specialist certainty and offer vital supportability of the speculation procedure.
• Developing an institutionalized stage:
Setting up an appropriate speculation structure is a troublesome and expensive undertaking. Not all the tokenized stores set up have a fitting structure in this way expanding the administrative hazard to speculators. AFRICUNIA trusts this is the perfect time to dispatch industry gauges for setting up the tokenized speculation stages.
• Scalable store advancement:
By utilizing the AFRICUNIA stage, any affirmed venture chief will set up and run a tokenized speculation support without experiencing the torment and exertion of building up the vital IT and legitimate framework.
• Market driving consistence:
All the tokenized assets will be continually evaluated by our legitimate counselors to ensure they are completely consistent with the current laws and controls. By dealing with these dangers from origin, AFRICUNIA will enhance the speculator certainty and offer important supportability of the venture procedure.
• Enhanced straightforwardness:
The tokenization of premiums in assets—or offers in benefits—gives responsibility and straightforwardness to the speculation procedure. This truly necessary straightforwardness will altogether enhance the responsibility of the venture chiefs.
• Development of a standard stage:
Our advancement group is making a versatile low inactivity institutionalized stage that will enable diverse client classifications to approach distinctive highlights. Both those in the venture advertise and those secretly contributing will profit by an easy to use specially designed stage.
Blockchain Technology
We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because since it first appeared, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transactions can be maintained and reduce the possibility of data fraud. The blockchain is inherently resistant to the modification of the data involved. The blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, connected and secured using cryptography. Each block usually contains a hash pointer as a link to the previous block, timestamp, and transaction data. Using blockchain for transactions and transparencies, creating transparent and fair markets open, democratize value distribution and narrow down relationships between advertisers, network providers, and customers.
Token sales
With this opportunity, We invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We will release the Token under the name “AFCASH Token”, here is the data.



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Great post, Henneke. I think these 7 tips were the right ones.
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