SELFLLERY — Multifunctional social platform
Selfllery is a multifunctional social platform that allows you to receive cryptic rewards for social events related to
the publication and distribution of visual content.
Selfllery says that joining does not require any prior experience in the field of photography or knowledge of cryptography. Blockchain technology is used to enable users to see where their tokens come from and add a level of security to the system.

Selfllery is a launch in 2016, and now its social platform is launched in a presale form, inviting early users to try the platform with an additional promise for a token given only to the initial user at full launch. Registration opens on the site Selfllery and in the Android application, while in March, a preliminary offer of coins is planned (an investor-presentation to launch for early sponsors). In the future, this platform plans to expand not only photos, adding video support, but also streaming video.

Selfllery is a launch in 2016, and now its social platform is launched in a presale form, inviting early users to try the platform with an additional promise for a token given only to the initial user at full launch. Registration opens on the site Selfllery and in the Android application, while in March, a preliminary offer of coins is planned (an investor-presentation to launch for early sponsors). In the future, this platform plans to expand not only photos, adding video support, but also streaming video.
“People like to see pictures again and again, and we are sure that it’s worth it,” says Vadim Onishchenko, founder and CEO of Selfllery. “From rock art to modern advertising people value art. Today’s social networks have a mechanism for users to be able to make money in their online activities, but this mechanism takes time and skills to work, and in the meantime the companies behind this network are those who earn money from the user’s content. In Selfllery we want to solve this problem. We are implementing the block mechanism into the mechanism and allow anyone to be rewarded for their visual content, quickly and automatically. “
Enter blockchain technology.
Blockchain makes it possible to make transactions peer-to-peer. This is where SELFLLERY believes that they can support peer-to-peer visual content monetization by adopting blockchain and distributing their token named YOU. Users will receive rewards in YOUs for social activities related to publication and distribution of visual content.
SELFLLERY wants to build a marketplace community that incentivizes each other to be active on the platform. The platform will have familiar features such as “Likes”, followers, and a rating system. SELFLLERY will also use gamification and offer photo contests and photoquests. A photoquest can be a single or multiplayer game in which users are tasked with making photos of certain objects, animals or scenes within a limited period of time. Chosen photoquest winners are then rewarded with YOU tokens.
SELFLLERY wants to build a marketplace community that incentivizes each other to be active on the platform. The platform will have familiar features such as “Likes”, followers, and a rating system. SELFLLERY will also use gamification and offer photo contests and photoquests. A photoquest can be a single or multiplayer game in which users are tasked with making photos of certain objects, animals or scenes within a limited period of time. Chosen photoquest winners are then rewarded with YOU tokens.
In addition, SELFLLERY will offer a stock photo gallery where users will be able to submit and potentially sell their photos.
Lastly, SELFLLERY will have a loyalty program where the most popular/active platform users will be rewarded bonus YOUs using a progressive loyalty multiplier, which will increase the total number of YOU tokens received per transaction.
SELFLLERY Business Model
You think a company that adopts cryptocurrency is “free” to use? Think again. SELFLLERY needs to bring in revenue to operate just as other ICOs.
You think a company that adopts cryptocurrency is “free” to use? Think again. SELFLLERY needs to bring in revenue to operate just as other ICOs.
SELFLLERY will charge a fee for the following services:
Sale of products and services in the marketplace
Sale of photos in stock gallery
Advertising campaigns, photo, contests, photoquests
Promotional smart contracts
Sale of photos in stock gallery
Advertising campaigns, photo, contests, photoquests
Promotional smart contracts
SELFLLERY will also serve as an AdTech platform for entities that want to promote their products and services through advertising campaigns and cost per action/click/view models.
AREAPERCENTProduct Marketing50%Product Development25%Operating Expenses10%Reserve Fund10%Legal Services5%
AREAPERCENTProduct Marketing50%Product Development25%Operating Expenses10%Reserve Fund10%Legal Services5%
DATEMILESTONEQ1 2018TGE Launch, Team expansion, Marketplace, Advertising module, Photo editing filters, Beta version of iOS appQ2 2018 & FutureAdditional module development, Global marketing campaign
DATEMILESTONEQ1 2018TGE Launch, Team expansion, Marketplace, Advertising module, Photo editing filters, Beta version of iOS appQ2 2018 & FutureAdditional module development, Global marketing campaign
I conducted a search using the following terms “photo cryptocurrency crypto ico” and besides the Kodak confusing announcement , I couldn’t find, or recall reading anything similar to what SELFLLERY proposes. I find that a little odd because I would think there would at least one other ICO that would have proposed something similar. Depending on how you look at it, it can be positive or negative. I’ll let you decide.
I conducted a search using the following terms “photo cryptocurrency crypto ico” and besides the Kodak confusing announcement , I couldn’t find, or recall reading anything similar to what SELFLLERY proposes. I find that a little odd because I would think there would at least one other ICO that would have proposed something similar. Depending on how you look at it, it can be positive or negative. I’ll let you decide.
One of my criteria for writing about an ICO is picturing myself using the product/service. It goes without saying that SELFLLERY will need a bug-free, easy-to-use, interface and show value. I can see myself using SELFLLERY, but these sorts of platforms really hum if a lot of people 1) Is aware of them and 2) uses it often. SELFLLERY will have the challenge of driving users to their platform and prove that everyone can win by using it. Facebook works because it’s a one-stop shop for non-business type of social media activities. Can SELFLLERY survive as a specialty platform? I think so, but the right conditions need to exist along with a little luck. I would be pleased if SELFLLERY developed a plan to drive influencers and/or celebs to the platform. You get a few and it’s possible that a flood of users will follow.
Overall, I like SELFLLERY’s vision, but the challenge will be building the brand name and a known destination to manage all of your digital photo needs as well as constantly making sure users feel part of a cool community. I think it’s also a good sign that they have a working destination ( Now we have to see if adding cryptocurrency will be a catalyst for growth.
I wish them the best and plan to monitor their progress (as well as become a user). I think you should consider doing the same. There main ICO starts 4 March, 2018.
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