VICoin – cryptocurrency of a new job market in alternative economy

Following the details of records with the data and information of numbers with the online queries for job seeking request and the confronts on colateratives, VIRTONOMICS developer works on manage as providing platform to helps future clients to gains of access to the ecosystem as connected clients from different place to put of request and offers of jobs online and gives of incentives for partisan with the online gaming service to collects of returns as the decision to guess online as receiving use of experience while delivering message to the public audience on exchange with the reward of token as might to use for payment or collects to the wallet feature for future chance of withdrawal request.
The platform works with the feature as referring the targeted point or switches with the queries to helps as referring credit for collection as different roles with the players rank to acts with the customs of strategics to gains on finish as completing the furthest to becomes the player with the higher scores on credit as distributing spares of allocation with the balance as completing terms of playing with the MMO games.
Players with the MMO games might begins with the initiation of terms as preparing entrance to the field of gaming as displacing credit of balance with the chance of purchase to provide of supports as might to supply the different unit of application to work as running of playing with the games to collects credit points and win with the higher differences of results on completion.
With the manage of strategics playing with the games, player to gains of score on achivesment and prepare as might to follows as attaining the further as entering the different scenes of field with the new playing terms to achieves of the higher returns of credit on completion.
The credit of returns with the finest on playing might works with the chance on player to gains of the better skins with the scenes of entrance as improving chance as collecting spares of credit level on exchange with the entrance to the higher level of manage with examination.
The games woks as relying within the ETH/ERC20 bloakchain network as utilizing the VICoin to helps as medium on accounting of finance as player to complete tasks with different request of payment transfers as managing games with the scenes of playing with the VIRTONOMICS platform.
From VIRTONOMICS website :
Problems to be solved
Growing mass demand on online job offering and earnings on the Internet
5 000 000 000 – monthly number of search queries related to "job online" and "earn online"
500 000 000 – number of people willing to work and earn online at the very moment
High financial, technological and intellectual barriers of cryptocurrency mining
500 000 000 – number of people willing to work and earn online at the very moment
High financial, technological and intellectual barriers of cryptocurrency mining
large investments and overheads along with declining profitability of mining
complexity of mining process as an earning tool for the mass market
The games provide tools on occupation to work on operation as helps to earn of returns with the manage to deliver credit as player to gives of the wider on access with the entrance to deliver message for the public audience and helps with the returns to build of the wider and stronger on relation as the connection of member within the network of VIRTONOMICS platform.
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